The Toronto People with Aids is an amazing organization that helps those who are HIV positive live better lives in the Toronto area. We sat down with Micheal Reid, the Manager for Philanthropy and Sponsorship who is a true fundraising wiz.
Most of their donors come for their Friends for Life Bike Rally that uses the peer to peer fundraising model to raise funds for their organization. A lot of the people who participate in the event are "die-hard supporters of the agency '' and have allowed the bike rally to grow over the years. They have had over 250 bike riders and raised $1.7 million in one year.
The secret to its success comes from the community. "It is volunteer driven and owned by the community” Micheal explains. " Like with any peer to peer fundraising event if the passion isn't there from the participants and if it's being pushed down from the staff level it’s not going to be as successful”.