Waiver Signature
Digital signatures allows all documents that require a volunteer signature to be collected anytime and anywhere.
All digital records are automatically stored on file for compliance and auditing.

Police check and other records
Allow volunteers to send in a digital copy of any documents needed such as a police check or driver’s license.
Using our mobile app, volunteers can even take a photo of key documents and submit them into the system.

E-Learning and training delivery
Fully integrated online learning courses can be attached to the sign-up process or to any qualification.
Ensure that all your volunteers have completed all necessary training before they are scheduled to volunteer at events.

Approval Workflow
Custom approval workflows for volunteers allow you to control every aspect of your volunteer program at a granular level.
Require volunteers to be approved by an admin or just allow them to sign up to your program. Whatever the situation requires!
Build admin approval processes for volunteers applying to events or allow free sign ups.