If you are looking to improve your volunteer program, one great way to start is to assess the morale of your current volunteers. Do you notice a drop in people volunteering...
Nonprofit leaders know how important employees are to their organizations, but how many intentionally build people-centred cultures? Investing in your...
Community-centred fundraising is all about putting the people you serve first. It is rooted in equity, collaboration and social...
Member retention is so important to the sustainability of your organization. You spend so much time finding and onboarding new members that it's critical you also invest in keeping...
Earned income is growing in popularity amongst nonprofits. Why? It allows organizations to expand their funding sources while meeting their...
Burnout is a common problem in the nonprofit industry. Long hours, few days off, heavy workloads and demanding expectations are unfortunate realities for many people...
How can you build programs that reflect the international communities you hope to serve? It all starts with creating a process that centers around the...
Whether your new year's resolution is to boost retention, raise more funds or become a better leader- we are here to help you reach your goals for 2022! So many amazing...
Grants can take up a lot of time and resources from your organization. If you don’t have a dedicated team or staff writer for grant...